Month: February 2004

  • i hit deep black a couple weeks ago…was not good…felt like everyone had left me and i lost all passion for things in life….

    what snapped me out of it (at least temporarily) is when i was on my way to meet a friend for dinner.  i was so dazed and thought why, how, what am i doing here.  that i would have to sit through the obligatory meal…hear and wallow in my own self-depreciation….fake my nice and jolly sentiment… and as i was sitting on the road…a man in the car next to me starting waving…i looked up thinking he wanted to switch lanes…and he just kept waving…

    i rolled my window down, very skeptical as to what he had to tell me, and all he did was ask where the high school was…if it was up the road…his daughter was playing in a volleyball tournament and was trying to make it to the game…

    and i told him what i knew…it was probably wrong directions   — but that moment made me think…i had just been sitting in the car…thinking the worst in life…feeling the loneliest w/ no hope…just despair…and him reaching out to me…contacting me…made me realize how many cars were on that road…how many people were sitting staring at the bumber ahead of them…waiting for life to pass them by so they can get out the stinking traffic…and that yet, we’re not alone…we’re not out against each other…we’re all moving towards a common goal…moving and running along with life as far is it will take us…

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